Anyone who actually finds the Unified Field Theory will basically have a Nobel Prize, but there is a far more important significance to the concept: World peace. You could say the application of the principle of "All That Is" would be world peace. The Nobel Prize is nice, but world peace far surpasses it.
For world peace, there must be an overview concept, also. We must bounce back and forth between the wider perspective and the narrower. We cannot consider ourselves to be mankind and leave out a particular race, or an individual. We cannot leave out a single atom and believe we have the whole Universe. We are all One Substance, but we are not the Whole. We have to address both the wider perspective and the narrower.
Each of us has a perspective, and each is valid. Some are more general and some are more specific. We can address technology or the delopment of a single strand of nanotechnology. You can look at animals in general, or a single Arabian mare standing in a particular field.
As far as world peace is concerned, the world's leaders are jockeying for power, and wondering who will wield the power during this new millennium. Each believes it is the time for change. But what or who will everyone actually accept? Will it be the rule of one despotic dictator who is still standing at the end of the power grab, or some new concept or institution that allows everyone to function on a higher level? Can we accept one individual as supreme leader? Which one embodies the whole, and leaves none out?
Say, for example, the president of the United States was considered a powerful individual. Embodied the qualities respected by many people. Would every person on the planet accept that individual as supreme ruler? If one nation had a despotic dictator who denied his people constitutional rights, would other nations go along with the idea that he had more power, and deserved to be the supreme leader? We would all look closely at the past accomplishments of the individual, and I believe not one person on the planet would fit the role of supreme leader.
Therefore, we must address the idea of equality, and of the perspective that no one can be left out. By standing up to declare that another should be left out, the individual or nation that declares it would be left out.
The Grand Unification Principle is our first project to be introduced. The reason the World Peace Organization for the One World Government is doing so is not to give our technology team the opportunity to win the Nobel Prize, but because we must address the principle of the overview, which is far wider than just the visible world. We will bounce to the narrower perspective to address conflict resolution, also, because the individual must be drawn into the whole in such a way that it is acceptable for the individual and everyone else. No one can be forced into participation in any way. Everyone must be able to get their life on a higher level or no one will participate.
For world peace to come, every person on the planet must be able to create his or her life, be treated fairly and equally, and have a voice in his government. The Grand Unification Principle must be addressed for people to be treated fairly and equally.
You have a principle, and the application of the principle, and then the particular application of it, and the concept spins off into many directions. The principle pegs the concept at a certain frequency, the application decides the direction it is going, and the application of the application decides where it will rest.