Monday, May 3, 2010

Will Iran Use Its Nuclear Power For Peaceful Purposes?

Our three power source inventions can only be used for peaceful purposes, and so offering Iran the opportunity to participate in the creative process of the free power source invention is an ideal plan for making sure their nuclear power agenda is peaceful. Iran's insistance that their nuclear power program is for peaceful purposes only is undermined by Ahmadinejad's declaration that he will blast Israel off the face of the planet.

The United States must first choose to seriously pursue the idea of participation in our proposed international government. The laws forbidding sales of US technology to Iran must be changed. First, though, Iran must address conflict resolution issues.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Grand Unification Principles Impacts Nuclear Power

In "We Are One," Seth says each atom is a Universe, with all its potential. If that is so, smashing atoms in nuclear power plants is ripping apart other Universes. Something like "Horton Hears a Who," by Dr. Seuss.

Under Universal Law, what you do to others is what will be done to you, and so smashing Universes means our own Universe will be smashed, and all the potential--meaning us--will be lost. The only reason it hasn't backlashed on us so far is that no one was aware of the implications, and the spiritual hierarchy made sure the atoms that have been smashed didn't include those that maintained life.

Imagine, then, that we can stand in protest that nuclear power must end, but just as our Social Conscience cards state, "When you see oppression, you must stand in protest, but your protests will not be heard unless you can introduce a plan that enables everyone to function on a higher level."

We are introducing the three power inventions--"The Free Power Source Invention," "the Light Source Invention," and "the Intuitive Computer," which will power homes and anything else that needs to be powered. Technology mimics something in nature, and these mimic the human mind, body and spirit. Not only will you be able to power your home, but the principles enable you to regain your power following traumatic events, which enables you to reach your full potential.

Find out more in the technology segment of our webpage at
Karen Holmes,
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government

Monday, January 18, 2010

Principle of "We Are One" has the potential to end Iraq War

We are offering the principle of the Grand Unification Principle to England to demonstrate its potential.

Consider the impact on societies when the concept that we are all equal parts of the same Body comes about. Games of one-upmanship have gone on a long time, but all of that will unravel when we start to see ourselves as one cell in a body, and it makes no difference what type of cell we are. We are all equal parts of the Universe.

Science and Religion are two sides of the same coin, but lean on each other. It is possible to explain difficult concepts flipping to the other side. We may argue over a theological interpretation, but it hard to deny the scientific perspective of it,

Our organization does not have the capacity to explain the entire concept of everything. Therefore, we can introduce the overview concept and allow others to take the information and carry it forward, but by doing so, they further the plan for world peace. We can introduce this revolutionary concept from the theological perspective, and allow the theoretical mathematicians at Oxford and Cambridge to carry it forward. By doing so, it draws in the opposite concept of conflict resolution, which England dwells in England's ancient past.

Everything works in cycles, and the concept of introducing revolutionary new information is the first step. But, why do it unless it solves a problem? The problem is that mankind has become so divided that we are in danger of destroying ourselves. The Games of one-upmanship are tearing apart the planet. People are functioning entirely for what appears to be their own best interests, and it is time to turn that concept around.

People are seeing the need to do something to end the oppression of the Games, but something that allows everyone to function on a higher level must replace the old paradigm. World peace is a far higher end result that ripping everything apart, where only a few people survive and a sense of abundance. Or survive at all.

The War in Iraq started a series of ripples that will eventually affect every person on the planet in some way. We will all be required to choose whether to stand on the principles of fairness and equality, or devolve into playing the games of revenge.