Friday, March 13, 2009

Father Time Speaks on Himself and Space; An Allegory on the Time-Space Continuum

(Through Suzeranda Melchizedek)

For many years now scientists around the globe have attempted to describe or explain how the Universe functions but with no regard to the concept of the higher dimensions and how they fit in. Indeed, the continuum of frequencies that mankind observes is so narrow that you have no concept of the truth of this at all. You are attempting to explain all of nature by observing only that which is your back yard.

The animals— some of them— have demonstrated this concept. Seth in his book, "A Manual for Peace," along with Suzeranda (Karen Holmes), has brought to the attention of the world that some animals are multi-dimensional, such as koalas, slugs and snails. Their speed, or lack of it, is an example of attempting to function multi-dimensionally. So, for the sake of mankind, in this lecture I will begin to describe the elements and how they function multi-dimensionally.

Mankind, at this point, believes the dimensions relate to a single point in space, an imaginary point because it has no breadth or depth... a line that has no width and no height but length only... being a single dimensional object and so forth. That is not the case at all. This dissertation on the Time-Space Continuum is given by me, Father Time, which you could say is part of the Illusion. I, too, am a multi-dimensional object, and so from your perspective I don't really exist, but yet I do — like unicorns and leprechauns appear to exist in the folklore of the planet but not necessarily in the dimension in which you abide.

Mankind has not understood his or her place in the Universe, and so this evening I would like to address and start to look into mankind's place, for before you can progress onward, you must know where you are, where you are going, and how to get there. It is like taking a journey and learning the starting point before we can go to the higher dimension, which is our destination.

For a moment I will discuss the Christian concept of Rapture from a constitutional perspective, and by constitutional I refer to what constitutes the human physiology. We will look at what occurs when a being raises his frequency to a higher dimension and abides there, like the slugs, snails, koala bears and sloths are already doing. As multi-dimensional beings, they are aware of this occurrence. You, on the other hand, are almost totally focused, except in your dreams, on where you are in the Third Dimension, and so by describing through Suzeranda the process of the Rapture, you can begin to tolerate the changes necessary in your thinking processes in order to bring this about.

If I were to describe to you the journey, for example, between this location and San Francisco, which is 360 miles away, I would describe first the idea of the journey, and then the destination, because you believe you already you know where you are. But at the same time, in order to make plans to actually take the journey, you have to begin the process of preparing your vehicle and making last minute changes, arranging for the cat to be taken care of or the dog to be fed and watered. So let's begin this evening this discourse on the idea of the journey.

Time does not exist. You could say I am a figment of the imagination, but figments are there for a reason. It is a group-consciousness concept that was established in order for you to agree on a certain concept.

If mankind as a whole-- the planet as a whole entity and a whole living entity -- will go forward, he must go as a single unit--although certain species have been making the journey already. So, we will describe this as a continuum of frequency, and that as you make the journey you rise in your energy level. If you are an element making the journey, your electrons would move at a higher frequency, would vibrate at a higher frequency. You would raise the energy level; the mass would be higher, like a higher note on the music scale compared to a lower note. It would go from a low frequency to a high frequency, a low pitch to a high pitch. And now as the belief structures of mankind are strengthened and purified to the higher frequency, which is the highest good for all people rather than putting self over others, then mankind is beginning to progress along this continuum of frequency.

An example of this is new stars that are discovered. Just as a dog can hear a higher pitch than a human, so higher-frequency man, as he evolves, can observe parts of nature that already function on this higher level. So you see, they were there all the time but you were just not aware of them.

Have you ever walked into a room and not noticed there was something new there? Or saw somebody and possibly recognized that his or her appearance had changed but you couldn't quite put your finger on it? So these ideas have been introduced to man, of change but not quite yet putting your finger on it.

The Rapture the Christian coalition or unity is espousing relates to the idea of mankind leaving behind lower frequency ideas and moving into the higher frequencies. But not all parts progress at the same rate. You could say the koala bears, snails and slugs have preceded man along this course. Some of the extinct species have gone on ahead of mankind because man is slowly and methodically addressing issues that these entities never had to face, and so they could progress faster. They, in their own rights, have had to address ideas also. The aboriginal race from Australia has begun to go on ahead, and you will see that for a while the population of aborigines will be very small, and then more and more will be found as mankind moves into step.

On an energy basis, you are letting go of old, obsolete ideas and belief structures that no longer suit you, like the concept of war, or putting one individual over another in disregard of the common good, and you are walking forward to embrace a new set of concepts that function on a higher level of mankind — brother and sister-hood and freedom and equality for all rather than just the select or the elite.

On a more scientific basis the frequency of the planet is rising, and while the disruptions in the weather patterns and the earthquakes appear to be disruptive, they are in response to the concepts related to the division and the separation and the riling of emotions in order for mankind to address them.

For a time — for the next two or three or several years — man will face, one at a time, these undesirable concepts, and in the process will address how to solve these dilemmas or problems. The first relates to the cancers and the terminal illnesses because the fears and belief structures that cause these illnesses must be addressed in order for mankind to go on and to progress.

And now, as I promised a more scientifically spiritual concept, I will address the atomic structure for a moment. The smallest subatomic particles are not fixed. The quarks and the charms and the other subatomic particles are not fixed in reality. As Foucault's Dilemma describes, "the scientific observer participates in the scientific experiment," and so no scientific experiment is pure. It is all based on conjecture and on theory. It is all postulates based on observation, and this common construct that makes up mankind is the basis for reality, a common bond that you chose to experience. So as the scientist observes the experiment, and the clone is created, there are belief structures that also come into play. The individual who is a scientist and yet a Christian may question the validity of the playing out of the role of God by the scientist, and therefore observe a different set of parameters for the experiment than an individual who deems himself to be an atheist. The ability or the capacity to reproduce the scientific experiment can change related to the observation. The crisis that arises is based on questioning the role you play in the Universe, and the purpose behind this original concept is to gain access within the human mind of the wider perspective that is possible.

Looking at any event from a narrow perspective does not allow the highest good for all people to come about. As all of these scientists have been doing independent research on a certain subject or field of endeavor, and many different ideas or belief structures came out and are addressed, it allowed the wider perspective to come about. The battle over who is right and who is wrong becomes obsolete when you begin to understand that all are right and none are wrong, but none are right and all are wrong. In other words, the whole concept can only addressed when you are looking at every parameter from every perspective. This is where in the era of peace, when all mankind is working together as a single unit within the proposed international government, where the cures for these cancers will come about.

We can address and talk about a cure for cancer, but until it becomes common knowledge, people will not accept it because some will move forward and others will question and stay back, feeling comfortable in the old realm of belief structures.

For example, and I use this Lightly, mankind has divided its perspective in the healing arts between the traditional and the alternative methods, and the concept of mind over matter has gone on ahead. While some are still going to the doctor and taking pills, others are healing spontaneously by way of changing what they believe. Not all are ready. All parts of self must be in agreement for something to come, so while there is still doubt in the mind of the individual, he will stay in his same perspective, and this is why science is more of an art than a science -- more of a discipline -- and not all parts are in agreement.

The debate between these perspectives allows the highest good to come about, because, as the extremes battle it out, a consensus forms in the middle, and that allows the concept of the middle ground, or the highest good for all people, to come about. It is not a sense of compromise; it is finding out what all will agree to and all will feel comfortable with. As the governments and the legislatures attempt to find a solution in the future for the ills of mankind, the bringing together all the extremes and debating them out raises the lower frequencies to the middle and it slows down the higher frequencies in order to find this consensus where all feel comfortable.

I will use the example of the atomic bomb. Some felt comfortable with bringing the concept about, and others didn't feel comfortable; it was unleashing something that was very traumatic on mankind. So you see, until everyone came together and debated this, a solution for this could not be found.

Now it is time for this to come about, because mankind has seen that the skeptics have their right to their perspective as the environment has been torn apart by nuclear holocaust, and those who have embraced the concept of the peaceful use of it as an energy source are being held back because the technology isn't there yet in order to maintain a safe place in the environment. The two perspectives are coming together and saying, "Perhaps it is in the best interest of all to find another solution for this, a higher solution that we can all agree to." This allows the monies that have been invested in this technolgy to go toward safer alternative energy sources that are in everyone's best interest.

The final thing I would like to address in this insight is that as you move forward and raise the thinking of mankind in just this way, by bringing together a consensus by all of the extremes, opening debate, and conflict being resolved through first argument and then agreement — two words that sound very much alike — you begin to move forward as a race and to find a solution.

The time it takes is not important because the process teaches that a solution is possible. The speeding up of this becomes faster and faster as you learn the tools to make it happen. For example, if you begin to learn to overcome a problem — as a child you face your fear of the dark, or being separated from your parents as an infant and you strike out on your own — then it is easier to face subsequent fears because you have learned the tools. Those individuals who are held back for a time in their development, due to traumatic experiences, possibly, never learned how to resolve their problems, and their problems became overwhelming. It is not always necessary or in your best interest to be very quick to progress. Even those who are lagging behind are learning, and they can move forward very quickly once this debate comes about and it is looked at unemotionally. And we will address that in other lectures; how to overcome these fears and the tools to make this happen.

You may question how Time fits in here. How an illusionary, mythical being can come to address these ideas. Time is a construct that appears to have been speeding up, and you understand the belief structures that say you don't have the time to do something — or the Time-Space Continuum is collapsing in and speeding up -- and now you are starting to realize that you do have time for things to happen.

The Mayan Calendar ends in the year 2012, or about that time period, and much speculation has occurred on what will come after. Will the Earth end? Well, indeed, it will end, but not the way you believe it to do, with a meteorite or a nuclear holocaust that will spread across the planet and kill off mankind. What is occurring is that time will no longer exist. You will have abundant time to make whatever changes you desire, and so I will cease to exist. And we will address the Time-Space Continuum more in our next lecture. So be it and so it is.

1 comment:

  1. let me get this right you realy want souls ha well you cant have mine and i will never give in to your plans. well i think this is false profeting and you should be the ones scared of god for what your doing and i say again you will never get my soul and its also not mine to give its gods not mine so you may try to take it but you will never sucsed.
